Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 14:47:22 +1100
Local: Wed, Oct 28 2009 11:47 am
Subject: Good if this is true
October 22, 2009 ·
In what may yet turn out to be an unprecedented and boldest of acts of
defiance agaisnt tyranny in Malaysia, a Human Rights group is set to reverse
the fortunes of a much persecuted and abused minority community in Malaysia.
Malaysia's Indian Tamils (joined by Indonesian illegal workers) are
finally to be represented by a leading British Queens Counsel (QC) who has
accepted a brief from an Australian law firm to bring charges against
leading Malaysian political figures for various offences committed against
the complainant communities. The venue and jurisdiction Europe, the United
Counsel acting for the group has agreed to take on a brief of prosecution
against the current serving Inspector General of Police (Malaysia), his
immediate predecessor in office, Malaysia's former Minister of Home Affairs
(Syed Hamid Albar) and the current incumbent in that position Hishamuddin
Tun Hussein Onn for crimes against humanity, gross violation of Human Rights
in Malaysia (extra judicial killings) and for torture.
A leaked document to GRK now reveals a background paper outlining a
summary of the history of Indian indentured and slave labour (as defined
under international law) from south India into plantations and other labour
intensive industries run by colonial Britain in Malaya.
Interestingly the document identifies a more brutal regime of the
successors to British colonial rule in Malaysia, the Malaysian government.
It also summarises and carefully documents systemic and systematic
oppression by the state against the complainants since independence. The
document is believed to provide the foundation for the basis of claims by
the group.
The leaked document also includes the list of offences the defendants when
charged, will have to answer to which includes;
(a) individual and gang rape (b) torture (c) extra judicial killings (d)
confiscation of property (personal) (e) kidnapping (f) drownings (g) body
snatching (h) forced conversion and other forms of depravation of liberty
(i) torture and kidnapping of children.
Under the new lethal legal doctrine of Justice and Accountability, a
principle that seeks to End Impunity for sovereign offenders responsible
for having committed or having abetted in the commission of criminal and
Human Rights offences, sovereign immunity is stripped away from them under
the rule and the offender will no longer be able to raise the defence of the
'act of a sovereign'.
The current action (if confirmed) would indicate that "the tail has
finally found the muscle and coordinates to wag the proverbial dog" in
Malaysia where Tamils have historically faced systemic and systematic
persecution and marginalisation at the hands of a race based government.
If the prosecution does go ahead, it may well be the case that the 4
individuals named in the suit may be forced into exile in their own homes
within the limited security of the borders of Malaysia. Such a restriction
would mean that they would be unable to travel freely outside the geographic
boundaries of Malaysia.
Further, if warrants are issued these 4 would be joined in infamy to the
ranks of noteriety of other international pariahs like Ehud Barak Defence
Minister of Israel, Presdient Bashir of Sudan, Slobodan Milesovic, Radan
Karejic and Humberto Mejia of Guantemala all of whom have warrants issued
against them for vile and heinous crimes against humanity.
The warrants if issued by a competent court in the UK is likely to
further do irrepairably damage Malaysia's image as a liberal, cosmopolitan,
developing and industrialised democracy. That veneer of respectability it
craved and jelously sought to guard, built up over decades of hard work and
ambition will peel off from the heat that ensues to reveal a tin pot
dictatorship parading as liberals and democrats.
Nothing unfortunately in such circumstances will in the short term be able
to redeem the tarnished image of the coutnry and its people from the social
and political stigma attached to such warrants.
We will keep our readers posted of any further developments in this matter
once we have confirmed the application has actually been lodged.